Monday, October 24, 2011

Romans 1:6-7 part 1

"...including you who are called to belong to Jesus Christ, to all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints" (rom 1:6-7)

This sermon was the first of a two part series on these verses. It focuses on the word called.

When I think about the fact that I have been given faith to love Jesus and believe the gospel, while so many others hear and hate it and many more others never hear it at all... well, my gut reaction is to think it's not fair. But if that's as far as I go, I really don't understand the vileness of sin or how gracious the gospel is.

God doesn't call someone based on what they deserve. I don't deserve to be called of God. You don't deserve to be called of God. What you and I, and everyone else, deserve is hell. Forever. Period.

If he calls someone, it is undeserved. It is free grace. The fact that God calls some undeserving people does not oblige him to call everyone. And it isn't unjust that he doesn't. It IS incredibly merciful and gracious that he calls anyone.

I think a quote from Piper in this sermon really sums it up:

"All condemnation from God is just and all salvation from God is gracious. Nobody can raise any complaint, whatsoever. That's how bad we are. If you don't get that you don't get sin yet."

To hear the sermon:

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